Fall Protection Anchor Certifications and Inspections

Fall Protection Anchor Inspections & Certifications


  • Annual Cycle Anchor Inspection
  • Certification Cycle Anchor Inspection
  • Fall Pro/Rope Access System Consultation
  • Fall Pro/Rope Access System Design

Fall Protection Inspection & Certification

Maintaining fall protection and rope access systems can be challenging even for those well versed in compliance rules. The OSHA, ANSI, & IWCA standards are constantly evolving to improve on safety for everyone involved. At RAP, we monitor and implement requirements of OSHA, ANSI, and IWCA to ensure our clients have a safe and compliant systems. Below are the two common offerings we provide to maintain safety and compliance.

Fall Pro/Rope Access Anchor Inspection Process (Annual Cycle)

OSHA, ANSI, IWAC all require a yearly visual inspection by a qualified (ANSI & IWCA) or compenent (OSHA) person. RAP offers a yearly visual inspection from our competenent personnel so clients can maintain a safe and complaint fall protection systems. RAP will provide the following to satisfy all OSHA, ANSI, and IWCA standards:

  • Detailed description of locations of fall pro anchors, with a numerical or alphabetical list for verification of locations.
  • Detailed visual inspection of each anchor to inspect for deterioration, deformation, and verification of rigid form.
  • Photo documentation of tension pulled and quality of anchor will be provided.
  • Tag will be placed on each anchor containing: pass/fail result, date, and inspector who completed inspection.
example of tagged anchor inspection
example of tagged faulty anchor

Fall Pro/Rope Access Anchor Certification Process (5 Year Cycle)

RAP follows the ANSI standard that requires recertification of all anchor points, not exceeding five years, by an qualified engineer. We will provide the following to ensure your anchor points meet or exceed minimum requirements:

  • Detailed description of locations of fall pro anchors, with a numerical or alphabetical list for verification of locations.
  • Detailed visual inspection of each anchor to inspect for deterioration, deformation, and verification of rigid form.
  • Lateral pull to tension desired by engineer to measure for failure or deflection.
  • Photo documentation of tension pulled and quality of anchor will be provided.
  • Tag will be placed on each anchor containing: pass/fail result, date, and inspector who completed inspection.
  • Engineer stamped detailed report including the results mentioned above.

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Rope Access Projects

Safe and cost effective, and efficient means of accessing structures.

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Rope Access Training

SPRAT Training and Certification in Orlando, Florida

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Rope Access Professionals

Based in Orlando, Florida

Phone: 407-734-0738

Email: mike@harprigging.com

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